• Free up your energy

    held in habitual patterns

    for a life of variety,

    new options,

    and health.


    Feeling stuck or triggered? 

    Imagine to release the tension, the hardness in your body, allowing your emotions to flow freely, reconnecting you to your intuition and natural ressources, to your heart and your trust.

    Wouldn't you know what to do? Where to direct your attention? What to let go of? Which action to take?


    So if you went against yourself, maybe impatient or depressed and contracted from the effort to function and make it all work,

    overwhelmed by a sudden life twist or burned out from the way you run your life and please others....


    ...it is time to un-do.

    Time to let go of the effort, allow a new approach to find its way.

    Un-learn the way you do things.

    Maybe a piece of trauma still needs healing for your nervous system to balance. Be courageous, but gentle.

    Be truly honest with yourself, not critisizing, just honest.

    And feel the amazing strength coming from this vulnerability.


    I am here to support you from stuck to fluid, from triggered to resourceful, from head to body, from going against yourself, to finding new expressions. A beautiful journey to more fun and health.



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    Yoga Classes

    My Yoga basics are:

    Strength building and breath

    Balancing the nervous system

    Attention to emotions, and how to un-explain them.

    Grounding, silence, being able to be with what is.

    We hold a lot of energy in movement patterns and unconscious, limiting thinking routines. That keeps us in unhealthy loops, and doesn’t allow a fresh and authentic experience of life.

    Changing the patterns, routines and habits frees up energy for exciting new directions, projects and people and that’s called healing!

    This process builds self confidence, independence and trust in life.


    My style is:

    Functional, down to earth, strong & soft, most of the time slow paced and focussing on breath. It allows both depth and humor (often at the same time), and encourages you to experience all facets of your body and emotions. I would love for you to gain practical tools to integrate into your daily life.

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    Coaching & Bodywork

    Do you struggle, or feel stuck?

    Did you corner your body in tension and discomfort and now pay the prize with anxiety or symptoms?

    Do you want to solve a current situation with love rather than with rage…but don't know how?

    Do you need a place to reset and remember your individual power?


    I am here to guide you. Gentle, but direct in my talking (and sometimes just direct).

    I am demanding- although considering all angles.

    I work with people who are ready to face themselves, who actually really want to take repsonsibility over their life situation, and desire a real change.

    Real change demands your courage to step into uncomfortable terrain and to now change your way of action.


    I direct your attention to your body. Work with touch (feels amazing!) and words (to help you be aware).

    You will release tension and emotions and recover from the stress you put yourself through. You will gain the awareness needed, to redirect your life, or the situation you got stuck with. Things will change.


    You will remember what you are made of, remember that rebellious part in you, that wasn’t to give in, but is ready to rejuvenate and enjoy life- even if it takes a fight.


    Working through the body is a beautiful direct way to step out of the patterns that hold us hostage, and avoids the stubbern mind to interfere.

    I am a certified somatic therapist, trauma expert and coach and have been supporting people's change, health and dreams for the past 25+ years. 100ds of international clients have reported massive results in the reduction of pain, recovery of injuries, perception of reality, freedom in their lives, and opportunities that have opened up.


    Write me an email to receive details about prices, location, availability.


    Coaching with me is not for you if you:

    - want someone to do the work for you

    - are not interested in reflecting on yourself

    - think feeling "good" is more important than working through stuff

    - don't want to invest in your personal development (money and attention).

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    Corporate and private yoga

    I have a limited capacity to accept one on one yoga clients, as well as small group & corporate yoga classes.

    I focus on what is needed for the student or the group on that day and help you to be more in your body, more connected, and able to tackle life from a gentler place :) Write me for details.

  • In person classes in Berlin

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    Dienstags 19:45 75min Samstags 10:30 90min

    Anmeldung über den Kalender auf dieser Website (scroll up) & USC

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    Montags 19:30 75min

    Mittwochs 9:00 75min

    Anmeldung über das LAGOA STUDIO Berlin.


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    Donnerstags, 18:00 90min


    Anmeldung über den Kalender (scroll up) USC, oder Yoga Rebellion
  • Book your class using the below calendar

    Bitte direkt über den Buchungkalender anmelden.

    USC Mitglieder bitte direkt über die App anmelden (Nicola Tröger und Yoga Rebellion)


  • About Nicola

    Nicola has touched people’s lives for the past 20+years, inspiring them to change into a lighter and free-er version of themselves.

    Her approach is direct and filled with love and humor.

    She is happy, when she manages to uncover the trickiness of the human mind. This allows students to live beyond their inner stories, a life of more possibilities.

    Her down to earth approach allows students to experience themselves outside of their patterns, where freedom lives, even if that’s sometimes uncomfortable.


    Her touch is uniquely powerful and loving, and supports the bodies natural potential to heal.

    Nicola taught 1000ds of international clients and yoga students to become more grounded, aware and healthy.

    Nicola studied somatic approaches to healing and yoga extensively and for the past years using the best of it all today for her very unique style of teaching. 


  • Mein Körper entwickelt sich, wie ich es vorher nicht für möglich gehalten hätte

    Die Yogaklassen von Nicola sind eine riesige Bereicherung für mein Leben. Der ganzheitliche Unterricht macht so viel Spaß und und fordert körperlich sowie die innere Entwicklung. Ich fühle mich danach als hätte ich gute Physiotherapie bekommen. Mein Körper entwickelt sich auf eine Weise, die ich vorher nicht für möglich gehalten habe. Ich fühle mich geerdet, lebendig und stärker. Ich liebe die Themen, die jede Stunde untermauern. Vielen Dank für die Unterstützung auf dem Weg zu mir!

    Lotta Hillert


    I look forward to connect with you :)

    Kantstr. 134, 10625 Berlin